
大部分原因在Wine Advocate 常驻勃艮第的权威酒评家William Kelley为我们写的序中都写到了,越了解勃艮第,越难以抵挡她的魅力。我们中极少数的幸运者如William,不仅在勃艮第工作,也在勃艮第享受生活。
William Kelley:条条大路都通向勃艮第
常言道:条条大路都通向勃艮第;此外,还有一种真实存在的现象:虽然很多葡萄酒鉴赏家从其他产区开始他们的葡萄酒之恋,但是随着时间流转,多数人终究会为勃艮第所吸引。再没有什么地方能够产出如勃艮第一般复杂又美妙的葡萄酒,且该产区的根本宗旨——没有两款酒的味道应该是一样的,而这种差异来源于造就它们的土地——已经成为世界上其他葡萄酒产区日益追求的典范。今时今日,从美国加州到法国波尔多,从澳洲巴罗萨到意大利皮埃蒙特,terroir(风土)这个词挂在每个人唇边,而terroir 始于勃艮第。

All roads lead to Burgundy, so the saying goes; and it’s certainly true that though many connoisseurs begin their love affair with the grapevine in other regions, most tend inexorably to gravitate towards Burgundy as the years pass. No other place produces wines at once so complex or so compelling, and the defining philosophy of the region—that no two wines should taste alike, and that it’s where they’re produced that makes the difference—has become the model by which other wine regions increasingly make sense of their own wines. Today, from California to Bordeaux, from Barossa to Piedmont, the word terroir is on everyone’s lips, and terroir began in Burgundy.

In this book, Fiona Sun and Isabel Xie ably communicate the essence of Burgundy’s rich wine culture. As they guide us on an intimate tour of some of the region’s most interesting producers, we better understand the region in all its detail and heterogeneity. And if all roads lead to Burgundy, we also come to understand why, having reached their destination, few wine lovers ever move on: the strong personalities, the rich and hearty yet elegantly rendered cuisine, the irresistible landscape—all conspire to make it hard to leave this captivating region. That is why I have made Burgundy not just my workplace but my home, and I congratulate the authors on their important work in sharing its true charms to a Chinese audience.

封面插画 / 陈洋

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